Chicagoland Exotic Animal Rescue
Alumni Alumni Reptiles


Adoptable alert! Meet Carpas! (Also I hope you like Barry Manilow because I worked hard on this parody…)

His name is Carpas– the Russian tortoise.
With striations on his shell and without a single smell,
He likes his veggies and his chop-chop
While he likes to be a SelfHelp Home star
He’s dreams of finding home go way far,
He dreams of his forever beat, with family and maybe treats
He’s a sweet pea tortoise; who could ask for more???

Yea it’s Carpas, Carpas the tortoise,
You know that his life isn’t short, no,
Yea it’s Carpas, Carpas the tortooooooiiiiiiseeeeeee

He’s only 15, that means he can live another 40-50 years with his foreverrrrrr… forever famiiiillllyyyyyyyy…..

Fostered in partnership with our friends at The Selfhelp Home , meet their own foster Russian Tortoise 🐢, Carpas! Residents, family members, and staff came together to give 15-year-old Carpas the healthiest, most enriching foster home environment- and we are loving every minute of it! They named him after his favorite Passover food! 🥗Could Carpas be the sweet, adorable shelled baby you’ve been looking for your whole life?! Well, consider filling out an adoption application today!

Also, are you interested in learning more about the Selfhelp Home? To learn more about the Selfhelp Home facility, and to visit Carpas, come visit and take a tour! Call 773.271.0300 |