Partners and Affiliates

Chicago Exotics has been in business since 2000. We’ve been quickly establishing ourselves as the region’s premier exotic animal hospital. Our mission is to be the best care facility in the Chicago land area for avian and exotic animals.

Andersonville’s roots as a community extend well back into the 19th century, when immigrant Swedish farmers started moving north into what was then a distant suburb of Chicago. In the 1850’s the area north of Foster and east of Clark was a large cherry orchard, and families had only begun to move into the fringes of what is now Andersonville. The neighborhood’s first school, the Andersonville School, was built in 1854 at the corner of those two thoroughfares, and served as the area’s primary school until 1908. (Click here to read more…)

Protecting migratory birds through rescue, education and outreach. Advocating bird-safe lighting and building design to reduce bird collision hazards.

43 years in the making Zoo Med is a story of passion and discovery. It all started with a young Gary Bagnall exploring the creek near his home in northern California and the delight he found in the bustling local habitat of frogs and toads. The Outdoors called to him and he found peace and happiness there. Discovering creatures and studying their habitats sparked a flame in him that has yet to die out and one that he has been passionate about sharing with others

Providing a variety of managed IT Services from network support and administration to enterprise data management, web hosting and VOIP services.